Embed an AI agent: step by step guide
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Mindset provides Embed SDK to embed the AI agents Component into your web application or portal.
This documentation provides the technical instructions and important points in order achieve that.
There are 2 scripts to integrate :
Front-End: One script directly into your web application by including a script reference in the HTML document. This script is hosted on the server where your Mindset application resides.
Back-end: One script on your server which is in charge of getting an authentication token from your Mindset app instance.
Below a sample HTML page including the Javascript script:
YOUR-MINDSET-URL : your Mindset app URL (for example https://app.mycompany.com)
YOUR-BACKEND-API-RETURNING-AUTHTOKEN : your BE script URL which need in the request to get the user Email and which will ask the Auth Token to your Mindset app instance (cf the Backen-end script below). Sample URL : http://mycompany-backend/api/getusertoken/${userEmail}
YOUR-APP-UID : Your appUid is provided by mindset. (it is often just the name of your company).
YOUR-AGENT-UID: The agent Uid you want the user chat with. You can find that Agent Uid in the setting of the agent on the Mindset Admin Ui portal :
In the previous Front-end script , you can notice that we pass a user Email to the Back-end script.
This User email can be the actual user email as it signed in on your portal. (ex: username@gmail.com).
But it can also be a dynamically created email , for example by using the user ID on your portal: (ex: user-ID@gmail.com)
The important concept to understand is the AI agent thread session: if you want that your customers discussions with the AI agents being kept in memory every time he come back on your platform, then you have to use the same email per user.
See the doc for more details about Authentication flow.
On your server, you should create an end point which will get the user email as request from your FE side, and which will query an AUTH TOKEN from the Mindset server. This AUTH TOKEN will be injected in the FE script. Below an example of an EXPRESS API script :
MINDSET-API-HOST: This URL is provided by the Mindset team.
YOUR-MINDSET-API-KEY: This API KEY can be generated in your Mindset App Admin portal:
Please read the next chapter for more further details on all the Mindset embed SDK.