Agents FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Agents

General FAQs

How many agents can I have?

You can create as many agents as you like. We encourage you to think through each one as its own use case, much like you would give an employee a job description. The power of agents is all in the configuration.

How will my users benefit from Agents?

Agents deliver a full circle experience for end-users, based on each use case. For an end-user, they can interact with an Agent in their regular communication tool (i.e. slack) whilst asking questions or instructing tasks such as booking holiday. It brings the power of multiple systems into one place, an agent with a purpose to serve the end-user.

How are Agents priced?

Agents at the application level are included in your current contract as per your license fee. These Agents must be trained on at least the default app-level knowledge bank which should encompass your application use case and is also subject to our fair usage policy. Agents created at the account level, or trained on a specific account-level knowledge bank incur an additional cost per Agent.

Why do we charge per Agent in an account?

Agents are powered by GPT 4 LLMs, meaning the comparison to other companies like OpenAI (ChatGPT) leaves the feature susceptible to misapplication, particularly with the comparison of cost.

How much is an Agent in an account?

The cost of an Agent in an account depends on how many users are in that account. Please speak to a customer success representative if you would like to purchase an Agent inside an account.

Last updated