Resizing & compressing images
How to resize & compress large images using your system's own tool
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How to resize & compress large images using your system's own tool
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Windows (Microsoft Paint) :
Open your large-size image in the Microsoft Paint program.
Click on the Resize option. This option is on the middle-right side of the "Image" section at the top of the Paint window.
3. Make sure "Percentage" has a black dot next to it. If not, click the circle next to "Percentage" to ensure that your image's changes will be measured in percentages.
Your image will start at 100 for both the vertical and horizontal values, so changing these to "75" will reduce your image to three-quarters of its original size.
If you know the exact horizontal or vertical pixel count you want, you can click the circle next to "Pixels" instead.
4. Check the "Maintain aspect ratio" box. If there is no checkmark in the box next to "Maintain aspect ratio", click the box; otherwise, any changes you make to one aspect of your image (e.g., vertical size) won't scale with the other aspects.
If this box is already checked, proceed to the next step.
5. Resize your image. Type a number between 1 and 500 into the "Horizontal" text box. Any number below 100 will cause your image to shrink while maintaining its dimensions, and any number over 100 will enlarge the image while maintaining the dimensions.
If you're resizing using pixels, type the number of vertical pixels you want to use into the "Vertical" text box. You can also uncheck the "Maintain aspect ratio" box and enter a different number than was initially used in the "Horizontal" text box if necessary.
6. Click the OK button. Doing so will apply your changes to the image.
7. Save your image. Press Ctrl+S to do so. This will save your changes to the image and your image is now compressed.
MAC: Resize, rotate or flip an image in Preview on Mac
In the Preview app on your Mac, click the Show Markup Toolbar button (if the Markup toolbar isn’t showing), then click the Adjust Size button. The Adjust Size option can also be found in the Tools menu.
Show Markup Toolbar button
Adjust size in Markup Toolbar
Adjust Size in Tools menu
2. Enter new values for width and height, or click the “Fit into” pop-up menu and choose a size.
Resize the image by a percentage: Choose “per cent” from the pop-up menu next to the Width and Height fields, then enter the percentage in those fields.
Force the image to keep its original proportions: Select “Scale proportionally”. If you change either the width or height, the other value changes to maintain the proportions. If you choose a size from the “Fit into” pop-up menu, the image’s width or height may be smaller than the chosen size to maintain the proportions.
Make the image’s dimensions smaller without losing any detail: Deselect “Resample image” before changing the width or height.
The new size is shown at the bottom.